
About Ronald Cohen, MD

Family Medicine & Sports Medicine in San Diego, CA

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Ronald S Cohen,MD

Ronald Cohen, MD, is a board-certified specialist in both Family and Sports Medicine. Dr. Cohen is in the top 1% of America’s doctors when it comes to experience and training in regenerative orthopedic treatments – nonsurgical solutions to improve function and reduce pain. At Coastal Regenerative Orthopedics & Wellness Center, he is proud to use his expertise to care for patients throughout San Diego, California. 

For the first 11 years of his medical career, Dr. Cohen was contracted by the Department of Defense to manage and direct the Sports Medicine & Reconditioning program for all of the Marine Corps recruits in the western United States as well as to serve as a special consultant for the Navy SEALs.

He has had extensive experience and training in managing difficult injuries and chronic conditions and has been a licensed Regenexx® affiliate since undergoing advanced regenerative orthopedics training with the Regenexx founders in 2013. As the leading Regenexx provider in San Diego, Dr. Cohen is excited to provide the Advanced Regenexx Procedures to patients throughout the community.

Dr. Cohen has had a distinguished career in medicine and has been recognized by his peers as an outstanding clinician, winning several renowned awards, including the prestigious Master Clinician award as well as being appointed as Assistant Clinical Professor (voluntary) at UCSD School of Medicine.

Dr. Cohen is a dedicated physician and passionate family man who is also an avid golfer, fisherman, and triathlete.